Spazio Labo’ – Centro di fotografia | Strada Maggiore 29 | Bologna
Long-term project first steps
Spazio Labo’ proudly presents a two-day workshop with Mathieu Asselin, photographer and author of the book Monsanto®: a Photographic Investigation which inspired Spazio Labo’s exhibition Monsanto®: the Book.
The workshop – what’s it about?
One of the biggest challenges for photographers wanting to start a long term project is: starting the project itself. Sometimes the task of planning can feel like a mountain impossible to climb, so many questions with no clear answers that can keep photographers turning in circles and away from materializing the idea.
This 2 days workshop is specially designed to structure the practical challenges that come with short, medium or long term photographic projects, giving photographers the tools they need to structure and organize a project and, most importantly, to give their idea the start-kick it needs to move forward.
We will discuss together the ideas of each participant and we will deeply analyze each project to find the right questions, the right answers, to learn some “tricks” and pieces of advice on how to best structure one’s work.
Workshop’s themes:
January 27-28, 2018; from 10 am to 6 pm.
Who is this workshop for?
The workshop is aimed at photographers who already have an idea of a long-term project or in the process of making one.
What to bring:
Doubts, questions? Shoot us an email at
About Mathieu Asselin work
For Monsanto: A Photographic Investigation, the photographer Mathieu Asselin was awarded the Dummy Book Award Kassel 2016, a special mention for the LUMA Rencontres Dummy Book Award 2016 at the Rencontres de la Photographie (Arles) and was awarded with the Aperture First Book Award 2017 Paris Photo. Today he is shortlisted for the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2018. Beyond the distinguished editorial object, this recognitions enshrines an exceptional documentary process conducted for five years through Vietnam and the United States, which portrays an overwhelming portrait of the ancient and current practices of this giant chemical industry.
In order to construct his meticulous investigation, Mathieu Asselin exhumed and consulted hundreds of documents – press excerpts, judgments, archives, films, and testimonies –focusing on facts or dates that dramatically illustrate the ravages of all kinds which mark the company’s long history of sprawling development. The book also methodically illuminates another facet of Monsanto’s processes to establish its global grip: propaganda and communication.
Mathieu Asselin
Mathieu Asselin began his career working on film productions in Caracas, Venezuela, but honed his documentary photography style in the United States. His work has been featured in, Foam, Liberation, Paris Match, Huck Magazine, The New Yorker Photobooth, GEO Freitag, among others, whilst he has exhibited in Les Rencontre d’Arles in France, New York City, France, Miami, Washington, Caracas among others. In 2014, he was selected for Plat(t)form at Fotomuseum Winterthur and as an Artist in Residence with Imagine Science Films. He currently lives and works in New York City and Arles, France. Mathieu Asselin holds a Masters degree from ENSP – École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d’Arles in France.
235 Euro > prezzo intero
15 Euro > sottoscrizione tessera annuale Spazio Labo’
235 Euro > full price
15 Euro > annual Spazio Labo’ membership card
Il workshop è aperto a tutti: appassionati, fotografi amatori di vario livello, fotografi professionisti, senza distinzione di sesso/età/nazionalità. “Ideas into Action” si rivolge a fotografi con un progetto fotografico già in corso oppure in possesso di una o più idee da sviluppare poi in un progetto.
Il workshop viene tenuto in lingua inglese: si consiglia una conoscenza minima della lingua per poter seguire agilmente la conversazione. Sarà comunque presente in aula un membro del nostro staff per aiutare con eventuali problemi di traduzione.
Le iscrizioni sono aperte sino al raggiungimento del numero massimo di partecipanti.
The workshop is open to everyone: advanced amateurs or professional photographers, with no age/sex/nationality restrictions, are welcome.
The workshop will be held in English.
Il workshop è riservato ai soci di Spazio Labo’. Per associarsi occorre presentare domanda tramite e-mail all’indirizzo o di persona presso la nostra sede negli orari di apertura. Il costo della tessera annua per il 2018 è di 15 Euro. Per iscriversi al workshop mandare una mail a indicando nome, cognome, numero di telefono, indirizzo e-mail. E’ altrimenti possibile iscriversi di persona presso la sede negli orari di apertura. L’iscrizione al workshop viene confermata al versamento anticipato del saldo, in contanti presso la sede o tramite bonifico bancario.
Il numero di partecipanti ammessi al workshop è limitato a 12, si consiglia pertanto di presentare la domanda di iscrizione con anticipo.
Enrollment is open until the workshop fills.
The workshop is reserved to Spazio Labo’ members; to become a member you can either send an email at or fill in the forms directly here, in our headquarter in Bologna.
To enroll in the workshop please send an email at with your name, surname, phone number. You can also enroll directly at Spazio Labo’ during our opening hours: Mon-Fri 2.30-7pm.
Official enrollment must be accompanied by a full payment by each student. The payment of the participation fee reserves the student’s place in the workshop and can be issued in the form of cash or bank wire transfer.
Titolo rilasciato: Attestato di frequenza, valido per ottenere crediti formativi.
Agevolazioni: Chi frequenta il workshop potrà usufruire del “prezzo studente” per l’iscrizione a future attività didattiche presso Spazio Labo’.
Formazione continua: Possibilità di consultare i libri in biblioteca durante gli orari di apertura; Disponibilità dei docenti, post workshop, per consigli e suggerimenti; Partecipazione a mostre e incontri organizzati in sede.
At the end of the Master an attendance certificate will be issued.
CONDIZIONI: Qualora, una volta effettuata l’iscrizione, si fosse impossibilitati a partecipare al workshop è possibile ottenere il rimborso totale di quanto già versato presentando (di persona, via mail o per telefono) disdetta entro cinque giorni dall’inizio del workshop. Disdette ricevute da cinque giorni all’inizio del workshop in poi riceveranno il rimborso totale meno una trattenuta di euro 50 per spese di segreteria. Nessun rimborso sarà dovuto per disdette pervenute a workshop iniziato.
Full refund within 5 days from the workshop start; from 5 days to the workshop’s start we will refund 50% of the paid sum plus 50 euro as registration expenses. No refund once the workshop has started.
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